As the new year goes forward, your estate planning questions arise.  Are you considering a trust? Are you wondering what kind of trust you should include in your Florida estate plan? Did you know that trusts are one of the estate planning tools created for the management of assets, both during your life and after your...
Do you know what is worse than not having an estate plan?  It is having an estate plan that is not up-to-date! Estate planning is probably the single most important action you can do to make sure your wishes are honored if you become incapacitated and after you pass away. Failing to regularly update your estate...
Are you caring for a loved one with mental health issues? Are you concerned about what would happen to your special needs loved one if you were no longer able to take care of him or her? In fact, have you given serious consideration to your loved one’s future and the need for thoughtful and careful...
Do you, like many people, enjoy watching or listening to news about your favorite celebrities, including their achievements, awards, family news and more? We all feel tremendous loss when we read about our favorite celebrities passing away.  However, we can learn from celebrities about what to do and not do when it comes to estate planning...
Is one of the joys of the holiday season giving gifts to your children and grandchildren? As a senior adult, do you feel that you have so much and you enjoy the looks of delight on the faces of your children and grandchildren when they open their gifts from you? This holiday season, are you planning...
Are you looking forward to the Holidays with your family? Do you enjoy decorating, preparing favorite recipes and shopping for your family? Are you also looking forward to some time with your senior loved ones without interruption from work? Are you noticing that your senior loved ones seem to be aging quickly and seem more fragile?...
As you prepare for the holidays, what is foremost in your mind? Accommodations for all your visiting family, decorating the house with all things holiday, food preparations for family of all ages and gifts, gifts, gifts!!!  What gifts are you thinking about giving to all your loved ones?  We have an idea of the best holiday...
Divorce affects estate plan documents, rendering them invalid. Are you recently divorced? Divorce is painful at any age, and it is certainly not an experience that any of us ever envision or seek at the time of marriage. Did you know that there is a steadily rising trend of adults over the age of fifty who...
Have you recently suffered the loss of a beloved parent? After a loved one passes, after death, you may feel alone, unmoored, lost without the person you would often turn to for advice, conversation or memories. In addition, have you just been informed that you have a responsibility in the final affairs of your deceased parent?...
Are you a healthy, active, and successfully retired senior living in Florida?  You have probably completed your comprehensive estate planning with your Florida estate planning and elder law attorney and believe you are set for the future.  However, what will happen if that future includes your inability to take care of yourself and incapacities including mental...
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