Maybe it’s time for procrastination to overtake baseball as America’s favorite pastime. It’s often said that baseball is America’s pastime. Maybe we should change that to procrastination or excuse making. How many important tasks do we put on to-do lists, then forget about them? Some things may never even make it to the to-do list because...
Florida is the fourth most populous state in the USA, behind California, New York, and Texas. And it’s a fairly popular place for people to move to from other states. If you’re a recent Florida resident, you’ve probably already noticed differences in weather, culture, and laws. Until moving, many people don’t realize how different laws are...
What Exactly is a Spendthrift Clause?. Most of the time, we have the best intentions when deciding who will get our property after we’re gone. A well-crafted, comprehensive estate plan can give the maker a sense of accomplishment, contentment, and serenity. During the estate planning process, though, people start to ask some hard questions about their...
Divorce rates for people age 50 and older are rising. In fact, the divorce rate for people over age 65, nicknamed “gray divorce”, has almost tripled since 1990. Going through a divorce causes cataclysmic changes in every aspect of a person’s life, including where they will live and what possessions they will keep. Divorce even affects...
Any time a loved one passes away, that person leaves behind a lifetime of possessions, personal property, and memories. Since we use the Internet for so many aspects of our lives, people also now leave an online footprint. In addition to an estate’s tangible assets – like jewelry, retirement accounts, and boats, executors of an estate...
Estates come in all sizes, both in the value of the estate assets and the number of people involved. Some people write Wills that name an executor and several beneficiaries. Some don’t. In fact, only about 44% of Americans have written a Will. But whether a Will exists, estate assets not disposed of in any other...
When you’re the caregiver of a loved one with special needs, you make important decisions every day. Sometimes those decisions are life-changing – for you and your loved one. Often, caregivers enlist the help of experts: therapists, medical specialists, and other advisers. It’s also important to consult with an attorney. An attorney who understands the needs...
Many retirees have worked hard over the years to acquire money and property. Nest eggs are sometimes used to fund an active retirement or pay for long-term care. Often, people like to preserve as much property as possible to pass on to loved ones. This desire to pass on things of value can be achieved through...
A small business owner spends so much time managing their company’s current needs, he doesn’t think about planning for his own needs. Instead of putting aside money for retirement, business profits may be plowed back into the business through expansion, increased expenses, or development of new business lines. However, retirement for an entrepreneur is serious business,...
Perhaps you spend six months in Connecticut and six months in Florida. You own property in both states, previously were considered a resident of Connecticut, but would like to make Florida your official state of residency. An individual can take a number of steps to establish Florida residency Is Dual Residency Possible? According to federal law,...
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