"Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal." — Cornelius Fichtner</h3 As you survey the property you’ve accumulated through a lifetime of hard work, you may wonder what’s going to happen to it after you’re gone. Maybe there are family heirlooms or other prized possessions or items of sentimental value, and it really matters...
We are encouraged to get regular dental checkups and the dreaded annual physical. We schedule spring cleaning, annual vacations, and maintenance on our automobiles and boats. Shouldn’t our estate planning documents get the same careful attention? During National Estate Planning Awareness Week, we invite you to review your current estate plan. When was the last time?...
Perhaps a family member or close friend has asked to name you to be their agent under a power of attorney. It sounds like an easy thing to do, but you’re not sure what your responsibilities would be. Before you say ‘yes,’ here are some things you should know about serving as someone’s agent under a...
As an estate planning law firm, we are not only well-versed in the law. We’re trusted advisers. And any adviser needs information to thoroughly analyze your situation and develop the best strategies for you. So, when you meet with an estate planning attorney for the first time, what information should you bring with you? Contact Information...
We do certain things on a routine basis: change the oil in the car, get an annual physical, and perform seasonal maintenance on our homes or boats. Our estate planning documents need an occasional peek under the hood also. In fact, there are three good reasons to review your estate planning documents right now. Change in...
Establishing dynasty trusts has some major benefits for those seeking to protect generational wealth. One of the primary purposes of dynasty trusts is to shelter family assets from the effects of transfer taxes for generations. Here’s what you need to know about them. What are dynasty trusts? The purpose of the dynasty trust is similar to...
In Florida, you may be able to protect the value of your primary residence, including the building and the land, from creditors, and receive a discount on property taxes. If you meet the qualifications of homestead in Florida, you will want to make sure you take full advantage of all the benefits. Florida homestead laws are...
When setting up a revocable living trust, many people assume that one of the primary benefits to the trust is protection from creditor claims. While there are trusts that may be used to accomplish this goal, in Florida, a revocable trust does not provide protection to the trust settlor from creditors, Medicaid expenses, and more. (Contrastingly,...
Business owners, by the nature of their roles and responsibilities, have significant issues to consider when planning their estates.  Specifically, business succession planning is required for those who wish to sell or pass on their business upon retirement, or an untimely death, in a purposeful manner.  As with estate planning overall, business succession planning should be...
When someone passes away, his or her estate may be obligated to pay federal estate tax before beneficiaries are able to receive their inheritances. There are exceptions to this type of tax; most middle class individuals are able to avoid it all together. For those with a high net-worth, however, it could result in a huge...
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