Comprehensive estate planning is vital for most individuals, but even more so for business owners. If you own a company, and particularly one that you want to remain in your family after you die, a detailed business estate plan is essential for ensuring that your vision for your company is carried out. There are many questions...
They advantages and disadvantages of probate are subject to wild and often inaccurate observation.  Probate advantages exist!  The most commonly held notion about probate is that it is a negative and difficult process that should always be avoided if possible. This misconception is an oversimplification of the truth that does not account for certain aspects of...
In our last blog, we detailed three important factors to consider for parents with minor children when planning. These included choosing a guardian, choosing how and when your assets will be disbursed, and choosing who will administer your assets to your children. Click here to check out Part I and learn more about these factors. In...
Estate planning is incredibly important for nearly everyone, but the importance of good planning becomes even more essential when you have children. Every parent wants to provide as many opportunities and advantages as they can for their children, and passing on your assets in order to help give your heirs financial security is an excellent way...
We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t take it with you when you die,” but most people assume it means our money or assets. In fact, this saying also applies to our debts as well. Debt is an affliction of the living, and when you die it is the living who will be forced to deal...
If you were investing a great deal of cash, would you want someone else to choose your financial advisor for you or would you want to have control over the decision of who will be managing your money so you can select the best possible person for the job? The answer, of course, for most people...
Spendthrift Trust?  No clue!  Sure, you love your family. You want to provide for them and make sure they are taken care of after you are gone. But that doesn’t mean you have to trust your loved ones to be wise money managers. Some people simply aren’t good with money. Some have had bad breaks in...
Many people are inclined to use their assets to help leave the world a better place when they die. Some folks want to leave behind a philanthropic legacy. Others just want to use the money that they will no longer need to do some good in the world. The benefits of a charitable trust justify its...
An Estate planning mistake can be disastrous No one likes to spend time thinking about who will get their assets after they die, which is one of the reasons why so many people put off estate planning until later in life. But it doesn’t have to be a depressing or morbid undertaking. Avoid an estate planning...
How often does someone ask, "Is there an estate planning attorney near me?"  Most people assume that estate planning can be put off until they reach middle age. While it’s true that older individuals will be concerned about how a lifetime of assets should be distributed, there are good reasons to start the process when you...
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