A Florida Land Trust is an excellent way to hold the title of many types of real estate, including business, rental, and even, in certain situations, personal real property. The trust becomes the legal owner of the property, and the trust is then ‘owned’ by the beneficiary or beneficiaries. This legal setup offers a variety of...
Gun trust attorneys like John Mangan are needed to help you "weed through" regulations like ATF Rule 41F which was signed in January of 2016 and went into effect on July 13, 2016. This new rule, which, in part, defined trustees of gun trusts as “responsible persons” (subjecting them to the same fingerprinting/photograph requirements that apply...
If you have been named as the executor of an estate in Florida (the specific term for this role is “Personal Representative”) by a loved one who has recently passed away, you will quickly realize that there are a lot of things you are responsible for. An executor is chosen to make sure the final wishes...
DIY Estate Planning Do-it-yourself or DIY estate planning is risky and, if you make even the slightest error, it can have serious consequences for your family. Estate planning involves the preparation of documents relating to the distribution of assets in the event of death. In addition to allocating personal belongings, real property, motor vehicles, and financial...
As an estate planning law firm, we constantly espouse the importance of taking the time to draft a comprehensive estate plan long before there will ever be an impending need to make your wishes known and administer the distribution of your assets. After all, when it comes to your testamentary requests, it is always better to...
Separating estate planning myth from fact is a challenging process. Some of the myths about this area of the law would even be considered comedic if they did not have the potential to be so damaging. Unfortunately, estate planning myths pervade our society. They are detrimental to your wealth, your wishes, and your loved ones. Below...
When it comes to estate planning, far too many people believe that a will is all they need. Unfortunately, a will does not apply to many commonly occurring scenarios in life for which it is vital to prepare ahead of time. This applies in particular to situations where you become incompetent (such is the case with...
Failure to prepare a valid will, intestacy, puts a burden on the most important people in your life. Intestacy, particularly intestate succession upon death without a will or with a flawed or invalid will can be costly.  If you’ve visited our website or read our blog before, hopefully you have a strong understanding of the vital...
When we discuss estate planning, we often talk about the importance of making a plan to provide for the care and financial stability of your loved ones after you die. But what if you have loved ones who are not human? What will happen to your furry family members when you are gone or no longer...
Comprehensive estate planning is vital for most individuals, but even more so for business owners. If you own a company, and particularly one that you want to remain in your family after you die, a detailed business estate plan is essential for ensuring that your vision for your company is carried out. There are many questions...
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