When it comes to estate planning, many people focus on immediate concerns like asset distribution and ensuring their loved ones are provided for. However, an important factor that often goes overlooked is the impact of changing tax laws. While the upcoming election may dominate headlines, the potential sunset of federal estate tax laws is a critical...
As we approach the 2024 election, many Americans are closely watching potential changes in various areas of law, including estate tax regulations. As you may or may not be aware, estate planning is a critical aspect of financial management, and understanding how potential shifts in estate tax law could impact your strategy is essential. Let us...
If there’s one thing that most estate planners and estate beneficiaries can agree on, it’s that Florida is a beneficiary-friendly state, mainly due to its absence of inheritance taxes. Florida’s inheritance laws enable beneficiaries to receive the property and money that is rightfully theirs after their loved one’s passing without worrying about significant inheritance taxes. However,...
Creating your will is an essential step in securing your family's future and ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It is the first step in developing a strong estate plan with your experienced Florida estate planning attorney. Many people believe that a will alone is sufficient to safeguard their minor children and protect...
Periodic estate planning updates will assure your legacy. The birth of a child is a life-changing event that brings new responsibilities and considerations for every parent, whether it is their first child or their fourth. As a parent you have so much to do, but it is critical that estate planning updates are at the top...
Did you know that if there are changes in the tax laws, they could possibly impact your Florida estate plan? Are you keeping up-to-date in regard to any impacts from current or pending legislation to your Florida estate plan? At our law firm we focus on the specific needs of Floridians who need assistance with estate...
There is much in the news today surrounding the proposed state and federal tax changes that will impact our Florid estate planning strategies. From the possible removal of both the step up in basis planning technique to the removal of grantor trust planning, at times there can appear to be little to remain positive about. For...
Estate planning, and the nuances surrounding passing your generational wealth to your family, continues to be at the forefront of our minds in our practice. Each day, we are inundated with news alerting us to the fact that the tax benefits that most Americans have benefited from for the past several years are under threat of...
Your Florida estate plan is critical to your health and well-being. Beyond what you need, however, a strong estate plan can protect your family, create your legacy, and ensure that everything you have worked for is protected. When you work with an experienced Florida estate planning attorney you can ensure that your estate plan will protect...
Are you worried about the possibility of a change in your federal estate tax? If so, now may not be the time to panic, but it may be the time to plan. There are several steps you can take to be prepared and plan for an estate tax change that may negatively impact your estate, while...
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