10 Questions to Consider in Updating Your Estate Plan at the End of the Year

Estate planning attorney selection now will provide ample time to put together the documents for a quality estate plan.


The year end is fast approaching! Most of us are busy finalizing our end of the year plans. Part of estate planning is taking stock of what has happened this year, reflecting on goals for the coming year, and deciding what we want for our future, next year and well beyond. Estate planning attorney selection now will allow time to review your view of the future, assemble, and prepare the legal documents necessary to establish an estate plan.

What are your goals for yourself, your loved ones, and your legacy as you reflect on the past year and look to the future? We encourage you to take the time to not only think about immediate actions that must be completed before the end of the year but to also think about what the future may hold for you. Included in your consideration should be either completing or updating your Florida estate plan with an experienced Florida estate planning attorney.

Do you have a current Florida estate plan? If your answer is yes, have you updated it recently? Do you have questions on where to begin to update it? Consider the following ten questions that you may use, in addition to your own, to ensure that you have the peace of mind that can come from good estate planning.

Questions to review with your estate planning attorney:

1. Who will make your financial and healthcare decisions if you are not able to make them for yourself?
2. Will your out-of-state estate planning documents be valid and acceptable in Florida?
3. Who could handle your business affairs if you could not?
4. What would happen to your pets if you were hospitalized?
5. Should your adult children be in charge of your finances?
6. Do you need additional insurance policies?
7. Will your retirement plans be able to support you as you age?
8. Do you have a taxable estate?
9. Has your accountant or investment advisor recommended you make gifts?
10. Have there been any changes in your family structure that necessitate the need to update your planning?

Each day we hear questions like the above from our clients and their family members. When it comes to Florida estate planning, you need to know your plan will work when you need it to. We know this article may raise more questions than it answers. Select an estate planning attorney with care and diligence. It will be a long-term working relationship.  You are welcome to contact our office now, or at any time throughout the year, to schedule a meeting.  Be certain you have the Florida legal planning guidance you need to accomplish your goals.

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