While the good news is that most people don’t have to worry, minimizing my federal estate tax is a big concern these days as property values continue to skyrocket throughout the USA. Less than one percent of the population does. If you have less than $12.92 million in your estate as a single person, or $25.84 million as a married couple, estate tax is not going to affect you.

However, if you find yourself in a situation where you’re above those numbers, or, perhaps, expect that you might be in the future, several techniques can be used to minimize the effect of estate taxes. For example, irrevocable life insurance trusts are a very effective solution. Also, charitable gift planning provides an opportunity to not only minimize estate taxes but also do a lot of good. Irrevocable trusts can be a very powerful tool for removing assets from an estate, particularly those that might experience rapid appreciation in the future. Those are some of the many methods that we use to minimize the impact of estate taxes.  Reach out to our attorneys if “minimizing my federal estate tax” is your priority.

Beacon Legacy Law
Palm City – Stuart, FL

CALL: 1 (772) 218-0480

Do you question the need for attorney guidance with so many online resources? Because laws and regulations are complex, and because every person has a lot at risk, more people than ever are seeking professional guidance from an experienced, knowledgeable source. That helps explain the rapid growth of our firm. Whether you happened upon this website by accident or are one of the many referrals we receive from a nearly 15-year collection of satisfied clients, our staff can provide customized estate planning guidance for you. 

Written by: John Mangan, JD, MBA