"I'm good! I have an estate plan." As the year-end approaches, your to-do list looms larger. It is not enough to have an estate plan. An annual review is required. Too many parts of your life have changed, and your estate plan must change with them. The most important people in your life depend on you...
The holiday season is upon us, and loved ones are busy coming up with the perfect gifts to give family and friends. While gift-giving can bring a great deal of joy, both to the recipient and the giver, did you know it can also assist in your Florida estate planning goals? It can be doubly beneficial...
Long term care continues to be a topic that many Floridians simply do not know enough about and do not know how to protect themselves against its costs. “Long-term care” deals with the issues surrounding the advanced aging process. From mobility and cognitive challenges to relocation and potential loss of net worth, it is a serious...
There is much in the news today surrounding the proposed state and federal tax changes that will impact our Florid estate planning strategies. From the possible removal of both the step up in basis planning technique to the removal of grantor trust planning, at times there can appear to be little to remain positive about. For...
The federal tax law continues to be in a state of flux. On both sides of the aisle, there is bickering over how Americans should find ways to get out of debt and fund the ongoing pandemic relief efforts. While the current administration agrees in part, there is equal movement on its side to find ways...
Estate planning continues to be under attack on a national level. Every year, as an experienced Florida estate planning law firm, we watch as both the state and federal government look to hard-working Americans and the generational wealth that they accumulate over their lifetimes as a way to pay for the national debt. We know just...
Estate planning, and the nuances surrounding passing your generational wealth to your family, continues to be at the forefront of our minds in our practice. Each day, we are inundated with news alerting us to the fact that the tax benefits that most Americans have benefited from for the past several years are under threat of...
Are you caring for a loved one with a disabling condition or special needs? As Florida estate planning and elder law attorneys, we know just how challenging it can be to ensure that your loved one is protected on a daily basis. When you compound these lifetime caregiving needs by starting to contemplate a future that...
Are you considering leaving your job or other commitments in order to provide ongoing care for an aging or disabled relative? If so, you may be wondering whether you can be paid as a family caregiver. After all, making this commitment may represent a loss of income for your family, or a big out-of-pocket expense if...
Your Florida estate plan is critical to your health and well-being. Beyond what you need, however, a strong estate plan can protect your family, create your legacy, and ensure that everything you have worked for is protected. When you work with an experienced Florida estate planning attorney you can ensure that your estate plan will protect...
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